Ntro. Padre Jesús Nazareno

This Brotherhood was promoted by brothers Grau Garcia, Pedro Monpeán, Pedro Mazón and the Javaloyes brothers, for the year 1955-56.

The image is of the calls of “to dress”, having like true size the face, feet and hands. This image was made by the sculptor Jose Noguera Valverde Murcia in the imaginary workshops, where he also made the Nazarene tunic that covers him and the small throne that carries it, all of size and with four lanterns at their corners.

It has not become a true brotherhood since it has always been linked to the Grau, a family that keeps alive its integration in Holy Week, being an essential element of processional parades.

Today continues to participate in the passion procession of Holy Thursday, next to the image of “Ntro. Mr. Jesus Christ Flagellated and Tied to the Column “, and in Lent dates devotion is given with the celebration of a Holy Mass in his honor.